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Digital Design Research Repository Andrei Nejur
C# Scripts
A Simple Mesh Unfolder
Facet Mirror (Curve projection to individual mesh faces)
Game of Life Implementation
Open mesh weave
Grasshopper definitions
Carbocrete reciprocal structure
Environmental Simulation and Optimization of a Large Canopy
Fast Auxetic Pattern Deformation
Glulam Bundle Bridge
Parquet Deformations
Remap Polyline to Surface
Shrink wrap with Kangaroo2
Simple Gridshell Form-Finding
The Green Stage Canopy
The ROPPE Bridge optimisation
Voronoi Lamp Box
Ivy for Grasshopper Manual
Latest version of Ivy for Grasshopper
Video tutorials
Custom Agent Behaviour scripted in Ivy for Grasshopper (mesh walkers)
Fabrication data from segmentation in Ivy for Grasshopper in 40 seconds
Ivy 08 Mesh unroll with stadard flaps
Ivy Mesh Unroll with additional geometry
Ivy shortest path on a mesh
Ivy simple unrolling of a mesh.
Ivy unroll optimization example
Mesh Segmentation with agents in Ivy for Grasshopper
Mesh segmentation with Ivy for Grasshopper in 50 seconds
Parametric fabrication with Ivy for Grasshopper
Unfold NGon mesh with additional geometry in Ivy for Grasshopper. (Polyhedral Earth Globe)
Rhino Lamp
Python Scripts
Nested Python lists to Grasshopper Tree
Perlin Noise corrosion study.
Python data persistence. A dirty approach
Ivy Progress in Developing Practical Applications for a Weighted-Mesh Representation for Use in Generative Architectural Design
Ivy: Bringing a Weighted-Mesh Representation to Bear on Generative Architectural Design Applications
Morphology and Urban Planning of a Pedestrian Bridge
Phd Thesis Summary : DIGIT_ALL ARCHITECTURE - about transformations of the architectural author and architectural performance in the digital age
Solar optimization of complex architectural geometry using generative tools, simulation and search algorithms
The digital atrophy of classic architectural authorship
Digital Design Research Repository Andrei Nejur
Rhino Lamp
- Mar 11, 2017 1:16:26 PM
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